We are officially carbon neutral!

We're thrilled to announce that we have officially become carbon neutral

Over the past few months, we have collaborated on a comprehensive plan to measure, reduce, and offset our collective carbon footprint.

At Footprint Recycling, our commitment to the environment has always been at the forefront of our actions as individuals and as a business. Whilst we have always worked towards keeping our emissions low, with our new carbon-neutral status (scope 1 & 2), we are now actively supporting carbon-reducing projects and have conducted a thorough analysis of our emissions.

By calculating our carbon output, we have reduced our emissions by implementing various measures in our business. These include switching to electric cars, reducing and recycling, and evaluating our energy consumption and efficiency.

We have successfully offset our emissions by supporting a certified project in Malawi, which is verified by the world's leading carbon offset standards, VCS and Gold Standard.  This ensures projects have minimal permanence risks and incur positive social, economic and environmental impacts where relevant.  This project also aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals of:

  • No poverty
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action.

Our chosen project, cleaner cookstoves, replaces traditional cooking equipment, which typically consists of open flame fed by wood has many benefits by providing more efficient cooking equipment. Cleaner cookstoves typically:

  • Reduce the energy consumption for cooking, reducing carbon emissions
  • Reduce the consumption of firewood/cooking fuel
  • Saves time due to less time spent collecting fuel, more efficient and quicker cooking process
  • Reduces deforestation
  • Has the potential to save families valuable household income
  • Provides improved indoor health - less exposure to smoke and improved indoor air quality.

Our vision is to achieve net-zero emissions and go beyond carbon neutrality. This ambitious goal will require us to make significant and lasting changes to our procurement and supply chain, and we are excited about the journey ahead.

If you need support or advice about carbon neutrality and reducing carbon emissions.  Get in touch. 


As a business how can we support World Earth Day?

World Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22nd to raise awareness and encourage action to protect the environment. It is a day to remind us of the importance of sustainable living and how we can make a difference in the world. 

Businesses play a crucial role in the fight against climate change and can support World Earth Day in several ways.

Firstly, businesses can promote sustainable practices within their operations. For example, they can adopt environmentally friendly policies such as reducing waste, using renewable energy sources, and conserving water. They can also encourage employees to reduce their carbon footprint by using public transport or cycling to work. By taking such steps, businesses can reduce their environmental impact and help mitigate climate change.

Secondly, businesses can partner with environmental organisations to support their activities. For example, they can sponsor tree planting or countryside/beach clean-up activities. They can also donate to organizations that work to protect the environment or support research on climate change. Such partnerships can raise awareness of the environmental challenges facing our planet and encourage individuals to take action.

Thirdly, businesses can use World Earth Day to launch or promote sustainable products and services. They can showcase how their products are eco-friendly and sustainable and how they are contributing to the fight against climate change. This can be an excellent way for businesses to increase their brand visibility and promote their commitment to environmental sustainability.

Fourthly, businesses can organize events or campaigns that promote environmental sustainability. For example, they can organise a cycling or walking event to promote low-carbon transport. They can also organise educational campaigns that raise awareness of the importance of reducing waste or conserving energy. Such initiatives can help to mobilize people to take action and create a positive impact on the environment.

Lastly, businesses can support World Earth Day by promoting environmental sustainability in their supply chains. They can work with their suppliers to ensure they are also committed to sustainable practices. They can also encourage their customers to adopt eco-friendly practices and promote their sustainable products.

To conclude, businesses can play a vital role in supporting World Earth Day by adopting sustainable practices, partnering with environmental organizations, promoting sustainable products and services, organizing events and campaigns, and promoting environmental sustainability in their supply chains. By doing so, businesses can positively impact the environment and contribute to the fight against climate change. Ultimately, protecting our planet is a shared responsibility, and everyone, including businesses, must take action to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

We're just scratching the surface here, but If you're ready to move to become more sustainable, get in touch, and we'll be happy to review your waste management processes and carbon emissions. 


Leading two-person white glove delivery specialist Panther Group has joined forces with total waste management firm Footprint Recycling to help them reduce their carbon footprint, taking them a step closer to achieving their Net Zero pledge.

In recent years, as a part of its ESG pledge, Panther has vastly increased its commitment to improving its environmental impact by keeping its waste unpolluted and to a minimum by following best practices. They have increased recycling measures, conserved energy more efficiently, and used environmentally friendly technologies.

To take its commitment one step further, the business has even set a target to implement a zero-waste culture throughout every aspect of its operations.

Having provided a comprehensive range of sustainable waste and recycling solutions to a wide range of sectors since 2008, Footprint Recycling is passionate about helping businesses manage their waste, reduce their carbon footprints and achieve their sustainability goals.

Since partnering with recycling specialist Footprint, Panther has greatly improved their recycling and environmental credentials. To date this year alone, Panther has recycled more than 453 tonnes of cardboard, plastic, and expanded polystyrene, 226 tonnes of general waste, 144 tonnes of TVs, and over 50,000 old mattresses collected and recycled on behalf of its customers and 25,000 tonnes of metal from washing machine bodies also recycled. The company’s carbon footprint by installing energy-efficient LED lighting throughout the depots has also improved by 60%.

And ever mindful of the need to provide a ‘green’ ethical service, Panther provides a furniture recycling service and closely adheres to the WEEE Directive.

Panther can now boast that 80 percent of its waste is recycled – with an aim to increase that figure to 90 percent over the next 12 months.

As part of its long-term sustainable energy programme the company is collaborating with Ev3power and is considering solar, wind turbine, and hydrogen options to power its operations and are also considering electric and hydrogen options for its fleet.

In recent weeks Panther has conducted a number of electric vehicle trials and now boasts a forklift fleet that is 60 percent electric.

Guy Burgess, Logistics Director commented: “With combatting climate change currently at the forefront of the global agenda, we have chosen to partner with Footprint Recycling to further improve our environmental impact and make a positive difference to our ecosystem.

“As a business, we are already making huge strides in making long-term and sustainable changes by pushing sustainability in every aspect of the business. Ingraining environmental consciousness within the company’s culture and Footprint Recycling will be a fundamental driver in helping us to facilitate this.

“No longer is it acceptable for companies to provide a 'sustainability statement' as consumers are far savvier and more discerning about how they spend their money and what businesses they’re willing to support and trade with.

“More than that though it’s vital that as a growing business we respond to the current climate crisis and act accordingly. The government has set a pledge for the UK to achieve Net Zero status by 2050, and as a company that strives for sustainability, we want to join the fight against global warming by driving down our environmental impact over the coming years.”

Robyn Brook, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Footprint Recycling commented: “Our business is built on a foundation of helping our customers embrace the circular economy and improve their sustainability with a focus on achieving zero waste to landfill through recycling and reducing emissions.

“With pressure on businesses, like Panther, to do more to minimise their environmental impacts, our aim is not only to manage waste but to challenge the industry norms by developing processes bespoke to each client and introducing new ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.

“We’ve been working with Panther for several years, over which we have developed a fantastic relationship that allows us to continually strive and look at new ways to help them improve their environmental credentials and assist with their sustainability journey.”